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Writer's picture: StaceeStacee

This is going to be a big one so hold on tight. Ascension is the process of waking up from the matrix essentially. We have all had one point or another when we felt things are just not right in this current reality, and we felt like there is something odd about reality itself. Maybe you saw something you thought was strange and didn't understand but pushed it aside because it went out the cultural norms that society has placed labels on us? Well these are all ascension symptoms that begin in the beginning. For most of us it started happening towards the end of 2011, early 2012. I know I was waking up around this time and it wouldn't be for nearly a decade before I would fully commit. There is a lot to go over so I will keep this fun, and engaging. There are 9 main symptoms you may feel during your ascension.


1.) You feel like things are starting to fall into place.

Somehow even when things are literally falling apart you feel fine. You feel like the universe has your back. Everything that is happening feel like it is happening for a reason.

2.) Your intuition is operating on a much stronger level.

3.) You notice more synchronistic numbers in your life.

Like seeing 11:11 on your clock, or at the checkout and you happened to spend 22.22$ things of this nature.

4.) People are either coming into your life, or leaving your life and making a huge impact.

For me it was mostly leaving. Once I started raising my consciousness, and my vibrations people started to block me for being "weird". My sister in law literally called me "crazy" and my husband blocked her for it. I've lot family members because of my awakening, I've had complete strangers call CPS on me... Yeah it's crazy out there (I will go into more about why this happens later).

5.) You might seem a bit off the wall.

You might become a little bit emotional this is normal. As you are getting used to energies before you everything will be a bit testy. In time though this should pass.

6.)You are much more energetically sensitive than usual.

You are able to really feel the energies of the people around you, even plants, animals who are in proximity to you. You are seeing things as they are instead of how you wish they were. This is something most people struggle with their whole lives.

7.)You feel as if you need to go home, home to a place you do not know.

You like many others do not feel like Earth is their first home, and you'd be right, all of us ascensioners, our souls are much older. I come from Sirius, my first original name is Nammu. I don't actually identify with any of the Earthly 3D matrix labels I was given. As you progress through ascension and your spiritual growth, you will shed all the matrix's labels, and divisionary tactics to divide us, and keep us in duality. The universe is pushing you towards something you cannot yet see. While this might be a bit scary and feel quite lonely in time it will make sense.

8.) Physically you may become a bit more 'achy'.

Your body aches because you are going to change... Biologically, mentally, physically. I don't want to scare you because it's actually a beautiful thing. Right now you have your 3D body which isn't going to be needed for your mission here on earth. So you'll need to be upgraded to a crystalline body, which is your 4D body. Yes! You will sparkle like Edward from Twilight. You're welcome haha.

9.) You will begin to question who you truly are!

This is a huge one because it is profound. I actually started questioning who I really was a very long time ago, and more recently was consciously ready to know who I really am. I do not see myself the way 3D beings do. I see myself looking kind of like Netiri from Avatar, or rather I will just show you:

This is who I see when I look in the mirror.

So you will definitely start seeing yourself differently, especially if you remember all your past lives all the way to the very first, and find out where you came from.

There are many ways to jump start your ascension journey if you feel that you're part of the 144,000 that were sent here to heal, guide, and help humanity raise their consciousness and vibrations. I will go through some pretty practical ones, and also give some PDF file links inbetween. So how do you jump start ascension? Well unplugging from the matrix would be a great way. Mainstream news is like junk food to diabetics... Not healthy right? It is used to program you the way they want you to think, feel, and act. Other ways that you can unplug is by understanding the ways they have hindered your consciousness from thriving. They have many methods, and some of them you wouldn't even think was a method unless you really looked closer at the details of it, I will name a bunch:





*Shampoo, Conditioner, Skin care, Lotions, Make up, Dish soup, All house hold chemicals... All have heavy metals, and cancer causing ingredients.


*School Systems

*Jobs (Yes Jobs because they are literally a prison for your mind body and soul, same with schools).

*Money (this includes, wages, taxes, monetary spending on goods and services, all designed to keep you from realizing the sheer ridiculousness of money, and spending...)


*water (Chemically washing it so it's more pure... Adding fluoride)

*Pipelines, gas and oil industry...

*Banking system

*Real estate (This is complex so it will have to be a separate topic later on)

*History (It is literally nothing how we were taught.)



There is so much more, but this is a lot to accept as it is. Everything you thought wasn't possible is possible, and they have literally used everything in our modern society against us, to dumb us down, keep us obeying their words, and commands. It isn't restricted to a few things, it is practically woven into the fabrics of every aspect of our current daily reality without us even realizing it. It is whole other level insidious.

Vaccines... Do I even have to write this whole information out? I will simply say this to save time, and space and then write a huge blog later. We never had all the problems we are having in our modern history ever in all of our history. Read that again and then try to stay with me for this next part. Nut allergies, asthma, autism, mental illness, and some immune diseases are literally caused by vaccines. Now before you say that most of them are genetic, yes they are, but it's also been proven that vaccines help enhance the chances. For example, there is a family who has autism in their genes but never had an autistic child for 6 generations... Then there are families who do not have it in their gene pool AT ALL and from vaccinations developed it... They were designed as bio-weaponry on civilians to test new technology working with biogenics. Well not me I know, because I've done the research, heavy metals, coupled with multiple injections in one sitting, coupled with live viruses being inserted into your body, coupled with cells from aborted fetuses mixing with human developing DNA can't possibly be a good soup...

Chemtrails have a few functions, one being aerosols... They work like fluoride in the water, they're neurotoxins known to stop the pineal gland from fully opening. The other function is to filter the sun, kind of block UV's from coming down onto us...

Agriculture this is a heavy one. We are not meant to eat animals. I do not want to go into the huge specifics, so I will leave it to you to do what you will with this link full of the science behind why we shouldn't eat or consume meat and milk.

GMO's aside from them being sprayed with cancerous ingredients, and being literally made to to fight weeds... I don't know what else to tell you to convince you other than the fat that GMO's are biologically engineered to enter our intestines and mutate us biologically from the inside. (Hint: So is Vaccines bioengineered to do the same things).

All of the products we use for hygiene have been linked to cancers, and other horrible effects to our blood, and bodies, not just the fact that they have heavy metals linked to neurotoxins...

Prescription drugs... Holy moly... It is not a coincidence that children are diagnosed with mental illnesses so young and than put on pharmaceuticals so early in life. It is not a coincidence that our society is popping pills rather than looking to nutritional factors for their mental ailments, or external factors such as fluoride in the water, vaccines, meat, milk, hygiene products, and many of the other examples I'm giving for why we are so sick.... These are ALL biological weapons. Make no mistake in thinking these products and services are for our benefit. Only theirs, we are literally paying participants in our own enslavement.

School systems, are literally indoctrination into the prison system. They teach you to wake up, go somewhere obey the rules, do not question the authority, and do what you're told. It's a physical, psychological, and spiritual prison of your whole body, mind, and soul.

Jobs are the exact same thing only the adult version.

Money, you think it exists because you can see it, touch it, smell it right? What if I told you that it doesn't exist because without your life long debt which you were born into, never actually accumulated on your own it would have no meaning or value? Money isn't a trading system, it's literally made out of thin air, and with interest and taxed... You do not own money, or make money, you are simply a hand that hands it to someone else, and it is ever flowing, and ever leaving. If you were not enslaved by hours of your life, you would not be able to exchange hours for services and products, that is the real currency, time... You're trading time, for services and products, not money. It's literally the illusion you're making money that makes you addicted to continual enslavement. If everyone on Earth stopped working tomorrow, guess what would happen? Nothing, the elite wouldn't make a dime. You could literally do whatever you wanted, and if we just knew this power we had, we could change the monopoly system.

Religion was created for fear tactics to keep everyone inline. Another enslavement tool from governments. The first to implement it was the romans. Then it spread like a virus. We are slaves to an illusion, that if you are serious about breaking out of and waking up, you must accept the reality of all these things, and how they are used to enslave you. Do not feel fear about these things either, use the knowledge and empower yourself to expose these illusions as I have.

Water we already know all this... Distill water friends.

Pipeline, gas, and oil industry all together is to rape the earth for exploitable resources and poison 3/4ths of the population so they have a manageable amount of people to enslave. Not to mention Nicola Tesla literally made it possible for FREE energy yet they're making us pay the amount of our rent each month for energy?

Banking system... It's the same as money doesn't exist without loans, and deb. Also to track you through smart chips.

Will not go into real estate in this one other than to say, we shouldn't have to PAY for baisc necessities to survive. (Water, Food, Shelter).

History is another huge topic, and I will have to go into this one in a separate blog as well.

Technology while very convenient also very deadly, the radiation waves are very dangerous to us, and our pineal gland. 5G stations are literally being built to control us, don't believe me? You can do what you will with this information I'm going to share.

Weather is biolengineered as well... Sorry to say not all weather is natural... I will share another video...

As you can see that all of these things we thought were for our benefits, and some of them we thought were natural, actually are not natural for us at all, or for our benefit, only to benefit 13 families at the top of the masonic pyramid... Again please do not feel fear as you read this, you may feel angry, and confused, transmute it into love and acceptance because the only way forward is to understand what has been holding you back. You took the red pill, this is the rabbit hole Alice. This is meant to educate, not scare. In knowing this you can now fully awaken and start to detox from the matrix, and I'm going to tell you how, there is only a few things to do to detox yourself from a great majority of these illusions.

For 7 of the 17 topics discussed can be reversed from changing what you're literally consuming! How? Well!!! I'm so glad you asked, water, distill in glass bottles or glass jars. Vaccines, GMO's, Meat/Dairy, Pharmaceuticals, hygiene products, makeup, lotions, even pharmacy bought supplements, and of course technology, and biolengineered weathering, can all be reversed by changing your diet, how can it help? Well we have natural medicines that will block, and detox the body from heavy metals, antibiotics, and radiation! Yeah! Cancer fighting antioxidants live in our food!!! We just gotta know how to properly eat right? So I have done so much reseach for this topic specifically for my ascension journey to enhance my life, my spirit, and help the earth all in the process, my children too of course! Now I want to share it with you for FREE! Most peole will ask you to donate, or buy these PDF files I got for free, but I'm not about that, I'm about literally spreading truth, and love for FREE! So here you go! I hope you enjoy these and please do the research it is very well worth it. Also invest in materials to make homemade orgonite, or buy it online, it's seriously a life saver from the radiation you're getting from your modem.

For School, choose homeschool if you can do it, or at least make sure to express to your children they do not have to obey if they feel something feels wrong, and make sure they keep their free will to question the establishment, and encourage them to question the knowledge being taught!

Jobs, don't work yourself to death to survive, there is many ways to make money, much more fulfilling rather than suffering. Working from home, online is very lucrative, follow your heart!

Money well for now we need this there is no way of detoxing from that right now. I however am fighting the system by growing my own food, and sharing it with my community for free. No purchase necessary. I also distill my own water and share it with my community for free. Information I find I share for free.

Banking system, get out if you can, use smaller banking companies like western union.

History, simple, do not look at mainstream academics for truth, look at people like John Anthony West, David Wilcock, and many others from

Weather... Well it is what it is. Work on the biolengineered weather more than the natural, cause natural is always better.

Ultimately you need to be vigilant, and question everything! Now that you're awakening I highly suggest if you feel anxiety from all this information, please meditate, and work on breathing techniques. Work on detoxing from the matrix.

I will share now some very positive things with you! Meditation has literally healed my anxiety, and depression. It's also what jump started my ascension. I wasn't eating solids for 15 months before I started. Literally days after meditating I started eating solids again! Meditation has literally saved my life! It wasn't just meditation though, yoga, and chakra work has also been very helpful for me through this whole transition. I will share everything I know now about meditation, yoga, and chakras and how they all intricately effect your ascension.

That's all the information in basic form I can give, everything else from now on will be much more complex, don't worry I will be sure to explain in great detail, my blogs will get much longer than this for those topics. I hope you enjoyed this, if you'd like to know where to begin I will share a couple more photo's and you can use those for basics of where to begin with meditation. Love and Light, Victory to the Light, Namaste. Nammu.

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