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After you embody all the light rays. *Rose Flame Ray

*Golden Ray

*Blue Ray

*Violet Flame Ray

*Ruby Ray

*Emerald Flame Ray

you‘ll be embodying the last of the rays which is the Holy White Light of the Holy Spirit. You will embody your Angel soul, ascend to 5D consciousness, and become a white lighter. I’ve explained what all this means in previous blogs, and even videos on YouTube. You’ll be able to hear your Angel wings! Yes they make a sound, but only those with the ears to hear can hear them, it will be magical.

But! There is something you should know. This isn’t a resting time, after embodiment, you will be guided to go through the Purification! Now I had no idea what this was until after I embodied the Holy Spirit, I thought I’d be a full on Angel, but there is steps to take before, and then you are a Angel on earth. It doesn’t just happen from a ritual, there is actual work involved.

so first things first you’ll go through the “Learning” why and what this all is first! You’ll be guided here and there but end up in the same place we all end up. I can’t say it right now as I’m still being initiated. But if you follow the same road on your journey, you’ll be led to where we all have been led. It’s a beautiful path, and it’s exciting!

once you learn why and what, you’ll be kind of forced into purifying your temple (Body) because it needs to be prepared for the anointing ceremony. I can’t go into any details because I don’t know yet, I am only allowed to know eat step as I’m on it. So I’m in the purifying my Temple stage right now, and it is basically giving up all addictions. Everything you think isn’t an addiction is an addiction. I had a 20 year addiction and I had to quit cold turkey, and it was so hard... I’m on day 4 now... and next is coffee... we are not allowed to stimulate the body with things like Coffee, or anything that artificially stimulates you. Then I will have to quit TV, Social Media, and many other addictions. Surrender to the process and then I will find out about the anointing ceremony. I’m excited!

so if you’ve been wondering what happened to me, quick update: I moved because I couldn’t handle the negative situation I was in. It was draining my energy and made it impossible to prepare to embody the Holy Spirit so I moved. Got settled, and now I’m much happier, and even though I’m going through withdrawal and feel sick from the light codes, ascension upgrades, and the 2020 gateway that’s upon us... I have been way more happy, and working harder on me! So I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year, and lots of blessings! Lots of healing! Lots of protection! Lots of guidance! Love and Light! Namaste! Peace be with you!

- A’natumun

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Writer's picture: StaceeStacee

In the bible we all know that "God" created Earth within 7 days, and heaven was made on day 2. While "God" then went on to create man, and woman, up in heaven things slow down, down here linear time passes completely different than the Heaven time realm. Up there in 7 days would have been millions of years. So the Angels were doing their duties, except one... Lucifer, he wanted to be exactly like "God" he thought he was entitled to that kind of worship. As we know "God" didn't like that and told him to leave Heaven. But why do we refer to Satan, and Lucifer as if they are the same person?

They are not the same person, while Lucifer was plotting against "God", Satan was seducing Eve.... Once Satan brought his seed upon the earth, and began a bloodline, "God" knew that Earth would be in great trouble. So Lucifer was cast down, who then became Satan's Right hand, as Archangel Micheal was "God's" right hand. The war up in heaven lasted thousands of years before Lucifer was cast down, although down here it would of appeared much shorter time. So then how did Satan keep his seed on Earth after the flood? Well people survived the flood... Not all of them died, and among those was Satan's seed. How else do you think it would be possible for "Anti-Christ" to come here and muck things up just before the new Earth arrives? I'm going to tell you a story, and you may or may not believe it, that's okay, it doesn't need you to believe it, because this is a true story and only in time will it reveal itself to you.

I've spoken about Jesus before haven't I? I told you that he was not Jesus, but his true identity was Eashoa, and not from Nazereth, but Palestine. In the days of Eashoa, Israel was not existent. In fact back then it was only known to the Jews, and to further this evidence, they lied about being in Egypt, none of the dates in the bible, nor the Pharaoh of that time existed yet... It was all meant for one thing to bring you their plans for earth out in the open under the guise that they were good, and anything else was evil. It's so hard and long to explain and I will try my best. Earth wasn't created in 7 days, it was created in much longer time than that. The earth isn't as old as they tell us, Heaven is the highest Dimension known, and Hell is the lowest Dimension known. Angels incarnate here, and so do demons. They aren't supposed to directly influence or effect change, more we are supposed to guide, and teach. Demons, have their own ways, mostly they use energy, and programming, they can't use powers, or abilities because they cannot manifest any due to their low vibrations. They are doing their best to manipulate, which is the best tool they've got. It's the only tool they will ever have. Angels have much better tools, we heal the energies through raising the vibrations, we can't use our abilities and powers to control a mind, it's against the balance, everyone has free will. Currently it would look like Satan, and Lucifer are winning, BUT!

They do not know "God", and "God" had plans for Earth all along, and for the creations loved so dearly by our creator. The Archangels, and the Goddesses, and Gods of the past are at our side ready to teach us if we want to learn. I was eager to know the truth, there is so many truths out there, and many are truer then others, but discernment is hard in our time. Which is why we have a massive amount of incarnated Angels here now. Well with all of us incarnating, and awakening to the reality, there is also darkness rising to meet our influx, after all we have a balance to uphold... Universal law. It start awhile ago, which would be the catalyst for why so many Angels are incarnating and awakening NOW. I wouldn't know it until May when those dreams plagued me for two months... Every night, demons versus Angels... This would be the beginning of a new reality and truth I never considered because of the fact I wasn't ready, vibrating openly enough to receive these revelations. Once I started working on me, and my healing things exploded, knowledge started pouring, and it was coming so fast I didn't know how to put it all together in a way that made sense.

Archangel Micheal and Archangel Metatron took me... Showed me things through time, and it was difficult to keep a timeline, of whether this was before, that, or after this. It was difficult until I was given it all, and what I knew previously and what I know now, started developing the time line for me automatically. The bible is backwards, manipulative, and coercive. It started with that book. The Romans knew what they were doing, some of them had Satan's seed... They were working for and right along side Lucifer. The church, all of them, temples, mosques, they are all corrupt tools to deceive and control you. Eashoa came along teaching no need for churcches, and temples. "God" was inside of us, we are "God". He knew the truth, he was telling us, we are all one, and nothing without us can give us the salvation that is inside of us, it's ours, promised to us, and all we have to do is believe its ours. We don't need to be punished for our sins, we need only learn from them, and work harder at never doing that sin again. Use our moral compass to guide us through the wilderness, and back to salvation within our hearts! LOVE is the religion, and LOVE is the only guide, and prophet we need.

Well Rabbi's were being paid to say different, Catholics, and the new growing Christians preached different, and this went against all of their plans, and control. So they needed to get rid of him... They tried to do it quietly first, but Eashoa had followers who were with him at all times, and Maryjam who was also with him at all times. So then they decided to make an example out of him. Publicly crucified him... Centuries later when Rome was falling because of all the religious wars, they needed to do something, the Rabbi's, Priests, Politicians and Templar's all sat down... They devised a plan, to put together 1 book, they would choose what to enter, and what to scrap due to the truth they wanted to use to manipulate the population, they changed Eashoa into Yeshua, stole him to make him the king of the Jews. When in fact he wasn't a king, he wasn't a prophet, he was a man who knew "God" and all he wanted was to bring that knowledge to those with the ears of understanding.

Heaven cried when Eashoa was murdered, he was the Original Angel, He was sent to teach, and heal. He didn't fully finish his job, he would be lost, and twisted for the next 2 millennia's. Until... Maybe I'm not the only one who knows this truth, but right now I'm the only one who seems to be speaking about it. Eashoa came and told his story, Archangel Micheal, and Archangel Metatron showed me where to find the truth... Heaven is trying to help us, and we are not fully awake to see it, and I understand, Heaven has factions just like we do down here. Archangels are the ones leading the information disclosure, they are coming to teach those ready how to arm themselves, how to protect themselves, how to perform rituals to heal ourselves, and others. We can make Heaven here on earth, but we gotta open up, and understand the full truth. There is new talks now about Kanye and his newest church... The book he has, this is where the rest of my story takes place. Why did the bible refer to Eashoa as "Jesus" for so many millennia's? Everything we have from the English version of the bible came from the Babylonian Talmud from the Zionist Jews. The word in Hebrew Je Sus, means Earth and Pig. It was their blatant evil way of desecrating Eashoa's legacy. See Jesus did both good and bad things... But Eashoa did not. Eashoa lived his life the way "God" knew he would. Jesus was made to be a supernatural being, who didn't have a wife, or bloodline, because he was only made to be slaughtered like a pig. Do you see now? Jesus was the slaughtered pig.... Earth pig... Eashoa to them was a pig, he married, had a child which they needed to kill, they tried to kill, but because of their error they couldn't do so without suspicions.

Jesus is the name to pervert Eashoa's life. Speaking the name of Jesus is spell casting. You're resurrecting Satan's son... No one is even understanding the bible is all lies, and manipulation, while there is a lot of clues to their plans in the bible, following it as the words of "God" is the LIE! "God" doesn't need a book to repeat words. They're all within us, in our actions, our thoughts, our hearts, our desires, and dreams. We do not need a book, a name, a church. Eashoa knew this, taught this! Heaven is but a call away, you pray to the Angels, they will bring you "God's" word! They will show you, and tell you the truth! Now... There is more to this truth, which isn't easy to tell because people are going to start calling me an alarmist. I need to say only this until next blog, history is repeating itself. Yessus, Kanye, Earth Pig, is what we need to pay close attention to. They're setting us up for Satan's son's return.

Until next time, lots of blessings, lots of healing, lots of protection, lots of guidance, love and light, namaste!

- A'natumun

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In regards to the manifestation of reality, beyond what ancient faith you study – they all generally speak towards the same thing. The ancient Egyptians were masters of geometry, yet the way that they spoke about it was in story, in the description of principles and forces interacting and engaging with each other. The Hebrews used a more descriptive explanation, with thirty-two paths of the creative forces which bring about all things in reality, and their purpose as well.

Whether we decide to learn about how everything comes to be through this lens or that, we will still be seeing the same thing – or rather – different aspects and perspectives of the same thing. Today, one such lens we are going to look at is the geometric form in relationship to the ten Sephiroth. Understanding the Flower of Life geometry is very important as well, and so if you haven’t seen our videos on either of these subjects, we encourage you to watch them first!

The Sephiroth and the Seed of Life

Speaking to the manifestation of reality, let us presume the Sephiroth are in the position of the manifesting circles which form the basis of the Flower of Life. The first circle would be Kether, the possibility for creation – yet nothing has come into being.

The moment that this second sphere is created, we now have both Chokmah and Binah together. Chokmah is the second circle standing in perfect relationship yet opposite to its creator – it is the created. Together they form a container between them – a vesica pisces, which establishes the principle of form (as many ratios and fundamental mathematical formulas derive from this place) and is the space in which new creations can form.

Hence, when the next sphere comes into being, we have Chesed birthed in

the trinity; the principle of loving-kindness, or mercy. This “divine immaculateness” which is represented by our conceptions of “The Holy Trinity”, followed by the Trion-Re in Geburah with the fourth sphere, and paring down the structure of creation. (If you want to learn about the Trion-Re, we have this video about it here!)

Now we have exactly half of the seed done at this time, and so now we can actually make another great leap. By simply mirroring itself, the geometric form can actually become the completed Seed of Life by doing what it did in its original state, and projecting itself into a new position in relationship with itself. This complete Seed of Life geometry is Tiphareth, and forms the basis for the Tree, by the established centerpoint which is encircled by the original sphere – Kether. This is what it means if you read “Kether is Tiphareth on a higher dimension”.

The Tree, The Flower and The Fruit

Next, the Tree of Life comes into being by the

continued development of the form, which is characterized by Netzach. Netzach is the sphere of polarities; the Tree forms the basis of polarity within the expanding geometry, by the observed structure and “pillars” on either side of the creation.

Between the Tree of Life and the Flower of Life is born the Egg of Life. This is more of a “mysterious” center on the Tree, because it is a central point between the other created forms. In a sense, this form actually represents Da’at, the hidden Sephira. It is often observed as the conjunction point between the higher centers of the tree, but in this fusion of forces is where consciousness is born. The Flower of Life is the next major form to develop, which is characterized by Hod. Hod is the concentrated form or condensation of energy into something more structured – Flower of Life embodies this simply by its continual manifestation of the pattern in grand repetition as far as it can go. Of course, it doesn’t take long before the next form reveals itself.

The Fruit of Life is next,

characterized by Malkuth. It is what we would call “our world”, or “the physical realm”, but beyond that, it is a realm of independence – created by and connected to the spiritual realms which created us, and yet it is free to do as it wants. This realm operates through the universal laws of free will, but is still intricately tied to the natural laws which were established by the foundational structure that preceded its existence.

It is within the Fruit of Life that new creations may come into form, including the potential for re-connection in likeness to the original will of the “creator”, the force of Spirit which brought the first Sephiroth into becoming.

Meditate upon this sequence, and even practice drawing it – if you want to take your understanding so much further.

The Four Forms and the Royal Arcana

In the Tarot, one of the major suits is called the “Royal Arcana”, which is made up of a 4 x 4 grid of elements and members of a spiritual royal family. If you are unfamiliar with them, all you need to know here is that each family member is indicative of a different set of cosmic forces, and can be applied to the representations of the forms we just discussed.

It becomes especially simple because the Royal Arcana sits directly on top of the Tree of lIfe, and so matching the Sephiroth to the corresponding forms is a breeze.

The Kings sit upon Chokmah

The Queens sit upon Binah

The Princes sit upon Tiphareth, and the Five Sephiroth surrounding it

The Princesses sit upon Malkuth

Once we have established these four relationships, we are almost able to match them to their corresponding geometry, bringing more awareness to what these characters represent on a larger scale. In order to do so, we have to make a few adjustments to our observations, and expand our perspective a little bit more.

The first thing we must do is remove the Egg of Life from the equation, as the Royal Arcana pertain to the four elements exclusively, and the Egg of Life is the representation of the Fifth, which is described by the Major Arcana of the Tarot.

There is a bit of a larger problem here however, because the Vesica Pisces, the Trinity, and the Trion-Re are not accounted for in the relationships between the four elements with “The Flower/Fruit/Seed/Tree” sequence, which is a natural cycle in nature unto itself. Therefore, we must shift our perspective to see how else this sequence corresponds with the Tree of Life, which we can do by observing the “Four Worlds” perspective.

In the “Four Worlds” traditional Kabbalah, Kether is phase zero of creation. Chokmah is phase one, Binah is phase two, and phase three is constructed of all of the spheres surrounding Tiphareth, from Chesed to Yesod. The fourth and final phase in the creative process is Malkuth. We begin with the Seed, by the observance of the nature of Chokmah and the corresponding geometries which follow it – for the Flower and the Fruit are already placed. Now we are able to place the geometries with ease.

The Seed embodies Chokmah – connected to the Kings

The Tree embodies Binah – connected to the Queens

The Flower embodies Tiphareth – connected to the Princes

The Fruit embodies Malkuth – connected to the Princesses

When one takes the time to study and comprehend all of the meanings behind these different forms, whether they are the Sephiroth, the sacred geometries, or even the personality associations and energetic signatures behind the Royal Arcana, it will compound levels of understanding in your mind to the different structures that make up reality, and thus allow you to come to know yourself better on a deeper, more spiritual level.

Let this also serve as an explanation as to why the Flower, the Fruit, the Seed, and the Tree each appear on a Royal Arcana character, which may yet deepen the experience when pulling one of these cards in a Tarot reading.

I hope you enjoyed this post, lots of blessings! Lots of healing! Lots of protection! Love and Light! Namaste!

- A’natumun

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